Author Archives: admin

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Features & Advantages

Windows 2012 RC brings some pretty nice features. Here you have some documentation regarding this:

Over on the Microsoft Server and Cloud Platform site we have:

Meanwhile – on our TechNet Library we have:

HowTo put a password on a folder without any 3th party software | Windows 7

A friend asked me today, how can I put a password on a folder, without using any 3th party software, on Windows 7 ?

! Please note that this method is not 100% secure, and a very advanced user can bypass it, but in normal user environment it’s ok to use.

  1. Make a new folder, with the name you want:

2. Open the folder, right-click on a blank area in it, then select New -> Text Document from the pop-up menu.

3. Open the text file you just created by double-clicking it and copy/paste in the following text:

title Folder Private
if EXIST “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p “cho=>”
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
attrib +h +s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p “pass=>”
if NOT %pass%== PASSWORD_HERE goto FAIL
attrib -h -s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
ren “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

4. In the above code, replace the key PASSWORD_HERE with the password you want to use to unlock the folder. For example if you want the password to be 123456, the line should look like:

if NOT %pass%== 123456 goto FAIL

5. Save your new file in the .bat format with the complete file name being locker.bat. To do this, make sure to change the Save as type: to All Files (*.*).

6. In the folder you created back in Step #1, double click the locker.bat file and there will now be a new folder named Private where you can put anything you want.

7. Upon exiting, double click the locker.bat file again. It will prompt you to answer whether you want to lock your folder or not. Press Y and the private folder will disappear.

8. In order to retrieve the Private folder, all you have to do is double click the locker.bat file and enter the password which you set in Step #4 and the folder will appear again for you to access.


And if you encounter any problems feel free to comment contact me.

How to disable AUTORUN windows 7 ? Step-By-Step

A big security problem now days is the autorun for removable devices, that can breech the security of your IT system.

Ok, so how do we disable this autorun ?
This applies to Windows 7, but you can also use it in Windows 2008 ( for a domain GPO ).

1. Go to Start / type: gpedit.msc / double click on gpedit.msc 

2. In the logal GPO Editor Expand Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Click on Autoplay Policies / Double click on Turn off Autoplay:

3. Check the Enabled radio button / and select All drives ( or only the drives that you want to disable, depending of your scenario ). Then click OK:


And if you encounter any problems feel free to comment contact me.

How to see when was Windows installed on this machine?

A question that may had troubled, or is troubling some of you is: “When was my Windows installed ?”

There is a very easy way to find out:

1. Go to Start / type: CMD / Press Enter ( or Start Run for previous Windows versions, prior to Win7 )
2. A command promt window will appear
3. Type: systeminfo | find /i “install date” / press enter



And if you encounter any problems feel free to comment contact me.

VPN Error 691: Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain.

Error 691: Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain.

A. Verify the logon ID and password are correct.
B. Make sure the Include Windows logon domain check box is unchecked in the Options tab of the dial-up connection’s Properties dialog box.
C. Make sure the dial-up connection’s security option is correctly configured to use the Require secured password setting.
D. Delete all of the *.pwl files and reboot if you are using win9x.
E. Try another logon ID or create a new Logon ID because the profile may be damaged.


And if you encounter any problems feel free to comment contact me.

How to Check if Windows 7 / 2008 Server is Genuine? Step by Step

You have a computer/server that runs Windows 7 or Windows 2008 Server and you want to see if the copy of windows is genuine. There are 3 ways to do that:

A. Method 1

1. Go to Start and type: Windows Activation, in the search box and then press enter:

2. If the windows is activated and genuine you will get the message: Activation was successful and the Microsoft Genuine logo in the right side:

Windows 2008 Server:

Windows 7:

B. Method 2 *requires internet connection

1. You can use the windows validation online tool to check if your version is genuine or not. First openinternet explorer ( this will not work in other browsers like Chrome / Firefox ), and go to:

2. After the checker completes you will get this message ( if the windows is genuine ):

C. Method 3

1. The third way to check for genuine Windows is to go to the Control Panel. Click on Start, then Control Panel, then select small icons in the upper-right menu, and then click on System.

Windows 7:

Windows 2008 Server:

2. Then in the new window that will appear, the section Windows activation should have the Windows is activated status, and the genuine logo in the right.

So those are the 3 ways you can check a computer for counterfeit windows software.


And if you encounter any problems feel free to comment contact me.

How to FIX USB Device Not Recognized on Windows 7 | Step-by-Step

I ran into a very common windows 7 problem today…

The USB stopped working at a Dell 1545 laptop with Windows 7 x86 Enterprise.

– All the USB devices plugged were -> Unknown device


1. Go to Control Panel, select Small Icons from the upper-right menu (View By), then go to Device Manager:

2. After the new window appears, click Universal Serial Bus controllers to expand. After that click on each item selected below and press DEL.

3. And now click OK, after that go back to step 2 and select the next USB Root HUB and press Delagain, until all are deleted, then go to next step.

4. Unplug all USB devicespower off the machineleave it off for a few minutes ( if you have an laptop unplug the battery ), then power it back on.. and enjoy the USB device again.


And if you encounter any problems feel free to comment contact me.

How to downgrade from internet explorer 9 to 8, but still keep settings ?

This is a very simple, but yet very useful tutorial for the ones that use some special sites that are not yet compatible with ie9, or for the ones that just don`t like the new ie9 look.

1. Go to Control Panel, select view by: Small Icons ( right up-corner ), then select Programs And Features:

2. On the next window, click on View installed updates ( on the left menu ):

3. Wait a few moments until the list gets populated, and then search for Windows Internet Explorer 9, right click on it and uninstall.

4. Wait for the installer to finish, then reboot the computer.

5. After the reboot internet explorer 8 will be back, with all the previous settings / favorites / etc.

If you encounter any problems feel free to comment / contact me, and I will help you.