Why Is Unsecapp.exe Running?
Unsecapp.exe is a system process, which means it comes with the operating system. To delve a little deeper, this process works with the WMI provider interface structure for the purpose of call-backs for client applications which use a variety of processes.

The Windows Management Instrumentation or WMI is a component designed to allow applications to interact with system user accounts, programs already running, services within the OS, and other areas of Windows. This is why you will find the unsecapp.exe process in Windows Task Manager during boot-up or when called upon by a specific application.
Why Did It Suddenly Start Running?
Because of the very nature of the unsecapp.exe process, typically applications will call upon it, when required. Users have reported seeing this process running in the background after installing specific anti-virus applications, IM applications and gaming tools (like Steam).
Is Unsecapp.exe Dangerous?
This process is, for the most part, safe. Thus, it’s unlikely it will cause any harm to your system.
As previously mentioned, this process should be considered both safe and a necessity. Despite that, you should also be cognizant of the fact that various malicious files are known to use similar process names in order to trick users into thinking they are legitimate.
The Unsecapp.exe process is found in the following location:
So if you find the unsecapp.exe file in any location other than the one specified above, then it’s most likely a virus, malware or spyware.
Read more: http://www.compuchenna.co.uk/unsecapp-exe/