Tag Archives: windows 2003 turn off internet explorer restriction

How to Turn off Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration | Step-by-Step

A very annoying thing in Windows 2008 R2 is the Internet Explorer’s error: “content from the website listed below is being blocked by the internet explorer enhanced security configuration“.

Ok now, but how do we disable this security setting ? ( it is called Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration – IE ESC ).


1. If you have it enabled, or freshly installed the Windows 2008, you will get this error:

2. Go to Start Administrative Tools Server Manager:

3. Click on Server Manager / Expand the Security Information Section / click on Configure IE ESC:

4. Turn OFF the IE ESC ( for Administrators / for Users / or for both, depending of your scenario ):


1. Close all Internet explorers
2. Open Control Panel
3. Go to ADD or Remove Programs 
4. Click on Add/Remove Windows Components 
5. Uncheck the checkbox named Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration / click NEXT
6. You’re done, and you can now open a IE.


And if you encounter any problems feel free to comment contact me.